Our wellness services include:
Red Light Therapy, Compression Therapy, Cold Water Plunge, and Infrared Sauna. Choose from several payment options to find the one that's most convenient for you. Choose from a single visit, a package, or a monthly membership.
Choose from a 20 minute red light therapy session, a 20 minute compression therapy session, a 3 to 10 minute plunge session, or a 30 minute infrared sauna session.
Choose from any of our 4 wellness services.
3 visits - $70
5 visits - $115
10 visits - $230
Basic Membership - $120/month Includes: 8 wellness services a month plus 20% off one IV treatment a month.
Premium Membership - $185/month
Includes: 16 wellness services a month plus 20% off one IV treatment a month.
Student Membership - $80/month Includes: 8 wellness services a month plus 20% off one IV treatment a month.
Military/First Responders/Teachers Membership - $100/month
Includes: 8 wellness services a month plus 20% off one IV treatment a month.
Our cryotherapy treatments consist of both a small, isolated area such as a single knee, wrist, elbow, etc., or a larger treatment area such as the lower back, both shoulders, both knees, etc. Choose from several payment options to find the one that's most convenient for you. Choose from a single treatment or a package.
3 small isolated areas - $95
5 small isolated areas - $160
10 small isolated areas - $310
3 large areas - $125
5 large areas - $210
10 large areas - $410
Choose from several payment options to find the one that's most convenient for you. Choose from a single treatment or a package.
Choose one IV treatment from our IV menu.
Choose from several payment options to find the one that's most convenient for you. Choose from a single injection or a package.
B12 - $20
B12 helps improve one's energy level and helps to promote healthy nerve cells.
LIPO-PLUS with Methyl B12 - $30
LIPO-PLUS with Methyl B12 helps to breaks down sugars and carbohydrates, converts food to energy, promotes healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, improves immune system, and increases metabolism.
B12 package - 4 shots/$65
LIPO-PLUS package - 4 shots/$95
Our initial 30 minute consultation to review your patient history and determine if you are a candidate for therapy is free.
Includes all HRT/TRT care visits for a year.
This price does NOT include lab work or prescription costs.